C# Naming Conventions
Naming conventions are a often overlooked part of writing code. They are rarely taught to beginners often times because it can be considered as a dry and drab part of writing code. The same can be said about writing good comments in a program. Good practices while writing comments will be covered in the future.Back to Naming Conventions.
They exist to help you and others to navigate your code and they also prevent a lot of common mistakes and pitfalls.
We will now go over the most common naming conventions that exist.
- Pascal Case : All starting letter of each word is capitalized.
- Camel Case : All starting letters of each word is capitalized except for the first word.
- Snake Case : Each word is separated by an underscore. It can be upper or lower case.
Pascal Case - Places To Use
Namespaces : eg - namespace BitShiftProgrammer.Tutorial{....}Classes : eg - class PlayerControl
Public Fields : eg - public string PlayerName
Properties : eg - public int Age { set; get; }
Methods : eg - void SayHello() {....}
Enums & Enum Values : eg - enum Moves { Up, Right, Down, Left, TopLeft, TopRight }
Interfaces : uses 'I' pre-fix before pascal case. eg - interface IDoMagic {....}
Snake Case - Places To Use
Constants : upper case version. eg - const int PLAYER_HEIGHT = 6Camel Case - Places To Use
Method Parameters : eg - void SayHello(string helloData) {.....}Method Level Variables : eg - void FuncOne { int valueForAge = 69; }
Private Fields : using pre-fix before camel case. eg - private string _playerAge Or private string m_playerAge
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