Visual Overhaul - Assets That Turn Mediocre Into Drool Worthy
These assets are not arranged in any way, no comparison is done. They
are just really cool assets that will help make your game look at least a
bit better.😁 .
8.Cascade - River, Lake, Waterfall and more- This is a one stop asset for all you rivers, lakes, waterfalls and various other water bodies in your game. It is very much optimized and has a ton of features and properties to play around with.
7.Epic Toon FX
- A collection of cartoony particle effects. These are separated on the basis of their use case, They are : Combat, Environment & Interactive.
6.CTAA Cinematic Temporal Anti-Aliasing PC & VR - It is an anti-alising solution of the highest quality. It works in both forward rendering as well as deferred rendering paths.This is a great option for all VR projects due to a significant increase in quality at little performance cost.
5.FXVille Blood Impact FX Pack
- A set of really gory blood splatter particle effects which are of AAA quality.
4.Liquid Volume- Volumetric-based shader for realistic 3D liquid, foam and smoke rendering. Casts realistic shadows. It can react to external forces and accelerations simulating physics animations according to container movement direction and velocities.
Quickly customize smoke, foam, liquid and flask visual properties like colors, noise, alpha, turbulence, sparkling intensity, deep obscurance, density, thickness, glossiness, smoke speed.. etc.
3.Retro Aesthetics
- Retro Aesthetics asset provides all resources to turn a game of any genre into a stylish 80’s movies inspired title. It covers object materials, a full-screen camera effect, textures and UI, sound effects and music, as well as color presets and demos of the asset in action. We made it easily extensible to give you a possibility to tune to the unique needs of your game.
2.uNature - GPU Grass and Interactable Trees
-If you ate facing performance issues with the unity grass system then this is the asset for you. Very powerful, procedural grass mechanics (Draw anywhere you want on your scene).
Full LODs support including mesh lods support with also density based LODs and is completely multi-threaded.
Works on the GPU and fully utilizes the power of the machine. Reducing all of the spikes that unity's grass has and allows instant grass modifications.
1.Curved World
- This asset has won many awards in the Unity asset store.
Curved World is not Image Effect. It's simple, but very powerful per mesh material shader effect. Curved World curvature means - objects rendering as being bent only inside camera view, while their world space parameters: position, rotation, scale are not changed or modified.
Curved World is highly optimized for mobiles.
Check out more such Unity Asset Store Gems : HERE
Don't forget to share these wonderful assets with your colleagues and friends.
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If you have any questions that you might have about shaders, C# or Unity development in general don't be shy and leave a message on my facebook page or down in the comments.
8.Cascade - River, Lake, Waterfall and more- This is a one stop asset for all you rivers, lakes, waterfalls and various other water bodies in your game. It is very much optimized and has a ton of features and properties to play around with.
Quickly customize smoke, foam, liquid and flask visual properties like colors, noise, alpha, turbulence, sparkling intensity, deep obscurance, density, thickness, glossiness, smoke speed.. etc.
Full LODs support including mesh lods support with also density based LODs and is completely multi-threaded.
Works on the GPU and fully utilizes the power of the machine. Reducing all of the spikes that unity's grass has and allows instant grass modifications.
Curved World is not Image Effect. It's simple, but very powerful per mesh material shader effect. Curved World curvature means - objects rendering as being bent only inside camera view, while their world space parameters: position, rotation, scale are not changed or modified.
Curved World is highly optimized for mobiles.
Don't forget to share these wonderful assets with your colleagues and friends.
Support Bitshift Programmer by leaving a like on Bitshift Programmer Facebook Page and be updated as soon as there is a new blog post.
If you have any questions that you might have about shaders, C# or Unity development in general don't be shy and leave a message on my facebook page or down in the comments.